
Work with us

Explore remote-friendly, flexible opportunities and join our mission to make work life simpler, more pleasant and more productive.

Experience Friendships

Your world has close, coherent social groups. FlocknGo empowers you to Experience Together. In the Physical, Real World.
Sports, Vacations, Adventure, Luxury… Whatever you want to do with

The Team

Flockngo is a full-remote company and we are looking for the best talent, no matter where you live. Our headquarters are based in Paris, but our Stormies are working from all over the world: whether it’s Madrid, Dallas, Brussels, Lisbon, Amsterdam or Berlin.

We aim to deliver the best experience to our customers, while enabling all of our teammates to constantly learn and grow. By joining Flockngo, you’ll be able to have a real impact in your role: everyone is approachable and the information is shared constantly during our weekly meetings to ensure that you have everything at hand to be successful at Flockngo.

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“We’re now in 100 new coffee shops around the United Kingdom because of our pivot to Teams for communication.” 


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